Electronic Journals of Martial Arts and Sciences
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Excluding Kronos updates, announcements, and advertisements, the Electronic Journals of Martial Arts and Sciences published 184 articles from inception through the end of December 2000. The first index sorts the articles alphabetically by author while the second index sorts them alphabetically by topic.

Key to acronyms used in the indexes

Acronym Journal
EJMAS Electronic Journal of Martial Arts and Sciences Homepage
EJMAS-R Electronic Journal of Martial Arts and Sciences Homepage, Reviews
InYo InYo: The Journal of Alternative Perspectives on the Martial Arts and Sciences
JCS Journal of Combative Sport
JCS-E Journal of Combative Sport, Great Enabler site
JNC Journal of Non-Lethal Combat
JWMA Journal of Western Martial Art
JTC Journal of Theatrical Combat
TIJ The Iaido Journal
PT Physical Training


Indexed alphabetically by author

Abe, Ikuo, et al. InYo
History: Sport and Physical Education under Fascistization in Japan
Alcantara, Ubaldo and Rodrigues, Antonio JCS
Karate: Karate in Brazil – An Overview
Anonymous JNC
Self-defense: Self Defence from the Wrinkle Book
Barb F. (pseud.) InYo
Media: Fighting in Advertising
Bartman, Mike TIJ
Iaido: What IS an aikuchi??
Barton-Wright, E. W. JNC
Self-defense: Self-defence with a Walking-stick: The Different Methods of Defending Oneself with a Walking-Stick or Umbrella when Attacked under Unequal Conditions (Part I)
Barton-Wright, E. W. JNC
Self-defense: Self-defence with a Walking-stick: The Different Methods of Defending Oneself with a Walking-Stick or Umbrella when Attacked under Unequal Conditions (Part II)
Bluming, Jon JCS
Judo: Doing Judo at the Korean Yudo Association, December 1959
Bluming, Jon JCS
Judo: The Beast of Amsterdam 
Bluming, Jon JCS
Training: Budo Training in Japan
Bosler, Anna and Svinth, Joseph TIJ Dec-00 Kendo: A Pre-WWII Kendo Helmet from Northern California
Boylan, Peter TIJ
Koryu: Koryu Then and Now
Buchner, Rennis TIJ
Biography: Inazo Nitobe 
Buchner, Rennis TIJ
Iaido: A Look at Hoki Ryu Iaido 
Burt, Payson JTC
Theater: Viewpoint
Burton, Richard F. JNC
Military: A New System of Sword Exercise for Infantry 
Burton, Richard F. JNC
Military: The Sentiment of the Sword Part I 
Burton, Richard F. JNC
Military: The Sentiment of the Sword Part II 
Burton, Richard F. JNC
Military: The Sentiment of the Sword Part III 
Burton, Richard F. JNC
Military: The Sentiment of the Sword Part IV 
Burton, Richard F. JNC
Military: The Sentiment of the Sword Part IX 
Burton, Richard F. JNC
Military: The Sentiment of the Sword Part V 
Burton, Richard F. JNC
Military: The Sentiment of the Sword Part VI
Burton, Richard F. JNC
Military: The Sentiment of the Sword Part VII 
Burton, Richard F. JNC
Military: The Sentiment of the Sword Part VIII 
Channon, Jim JNC
Military: The First Earth Battalion: Dare to Think the Unthinkable, Ideas and Ideals for Soldiers Everywhere 
Davis, Will JNC
Self-defense: Knives, Forks and Toothbrushes 
Diane the Valkyrie InYo
Women: Valkyries on the Internet
Dillon, Robert W. JTC
Theater: Accounts of Martial Arts in Actor Training: An Enthusiast's Critique
Dixon, Martin PT
Training: Diverse Activities Plan
Dixon, Martin PT
Training: Instructions for Instructors
Dixon, Martin PT
Training: Instructor's Handout for the Beginning Student
Draeger, Donn JCS-E Biography: A Bibliography 
Draeger, Donn JCS-E Biography: Ali vs Inoki 
Draeger, Donn JCS-E Biography: Hawaii
Draeger, Donn JCS-E Biography: Musashi
Draeger, Donn JCS-E Biography: On Safari -- SE Asia
Edgren, Robert JCS
Jujutsu: The Fearful Art of Jiu Jitsu
Feigenbaum, Mark JCS
Judo: Encino Judo Club: The Early Years
Feigenbaum, Mark EJMAS-R
Review: The History of Jon Bluming
Flowery, Dale TIJ
Humor: Women in the Dojo? I THINK not 
Foster, Chapin D. JNC
Military: Boxing, Preaching, and Singing in War
Garrud, Edith JNC
Self-defense: Damsel v. Desperado 
Garrud, Edith JNC
Self-defense: Ju-Jutsu as a Husband-Tamer: A Suffragette Play with a Moral
Giles, Kendall InYo
Media: Understanding Ancient Martial Arts Texts: Pooh and Hermeneutics
Gilham, Chris TIJ
Iaido: Gilham's Progress, an iaido journey
Gilham, Chris TIJ
Iaido: Metsuke and 'kokoro no me' or 'sakki'
Gilham, Chris PT
Training: Teaching Styles East and West: Are you getting the best instruction? 
Gilham, Chris PT
Training: Timing in Kata: Can you avoid the dance? 
Ginzberg, Evan InYo
Women: Strong, Intelligent, Powerful and Feminine: A profile of Tamami "Sky" Hosoya
Grady, James InYo
Media: Celluloid Kata: Martial Arts in the Movies -- A Practitioner's Prejudices
Hand, Stephen JWMA
Western Martial Arts: A Matter of Time
Harrison, Ernest J. JCS-E Biography: A Resume of My Chequered Career 
Harrison, Ernest J. JCS-E Biography: E.J. Harrison to R.W. Smith: April 12, 1953 
Harrison, Ernest J. JCS-E Biography: Harrison in Yokohama
Harrison, Ernest J. JCS-E Biography: On Robert W. Smith’s long out-of-print A Complete Guide to Judo 
Harrison, Ernest J. JCS-E Judo: Japanese Terms Used in Judo, 1951 
Harrison, Ernest J. JCS-E Judo: Pronunciation of Judo Terms 
Hawkins, Neil EJMAS-R
Review: Secret Weapons of Jujutsu
Hawkins, Neil JNC Tactical Decision Games
Hellqvist, Björn JWMA
Western Martial Art: Oakeshott's Typology 
Henderson, Alice P. JNC
Military: Military hand to hand: Risher Thornberry, American Jujutsu Pioneer
Japan Times JCS
Boxing: War-Blinded Captain Boxes to Draw with One-legged Major
Japan Times JNC
Japan: Pen is Mightier Than Sword -- So is Six-Shooter 
Japan Times JCS
Judo: The Principles of Jiu-Jitsu 
Japan Times JCS
Jujutsu: Girls Expert in Jiujitsu 
Japan Times JCS
Jujutsu: Jujitsu versus Boxing 
Japan Times JCS
Kyudo: Japanese Archery, Similar to Golf, Requires Plenty of Patience, Skill
Japanese-American Courier JNC
Japan: Swordsmiths Rush to Chinese Front to Mend Broken Blades
Kautz, Pete JWMA
Wrestling: The Gripping History of Glima 
Keelaghan, Patrick InYo
Media: Blood on the Sun: Judo in America, 1944
Kim, Peter PT
Training: Foot Injuries in Martial Artists, beyond that stubbed toe
Klens-Bigman, Deborah TIJ
Iaido: Guelph School of Japanese Sword Arts 
Koizumi, Gunji JCS-E Judo
Koizumi, Gunji JCS-E Judo: Contest Judo, 1951
Larousse Dictionary JNC
Self-Defense: Charlemont Canne and Baton Method, 1920
LeBlanc, Chris EJMAS-R
Review: The History of Jon Bluming
Leggett, Trevor JCS
Judo: Judo in Japan 
Leggett, Trevor JCS-E Judo: Live Movement and Dead Movement
Leggett, Trevor JCS
Judo: Memories of Jigoro Kano's Visit to the London Budokwai in August 1933 
Leyshon, Glynn InYo
Wrestling: Mat Wars: The Story of Ontario High School Girls' Wrestling
Literary Digest JNC
China: Strenuous Athletics in China, including Pre-Japanese Jiu-Jutsu
Maruo, Tsuneshi JCS
Boxing: Tsuneshi Maruo, A Hawaiian Boxing Champion 
Mayer, Sarah JCS
Judo: Letters to Gunji Koizumi
Mayer, Sarah JCS
Judo: Letters to Gunji Koizumi
Mayer, Sarah JCS
Judo: Letters to Gunji Koizumi
Mayer, Sarah JCS
Judo: Letters to Gunji Koizumi
Mele, Greg JWMA
Western Martial Art: The Problem of Armour in Medieval Combat Reconstruction
Melville, Neil JWMA
Western Martial Art: The Incised Effigial Stone at Foveran, Aberdeenshire
Melville, Neil JWMA
Western Martial Art: The Origins of the Two-Handed Sword
Mifune, Kyuzo JCS
Judo: Judo and Its Masters
Noble, Graham InYo
Judo: The Odyssey of Yukio Tani
Noble, Graham JCS
Karate: Master Choki Motobu, 'A Real Fighter' 
Noble, Graham JCS
Karate: Masters of the Shorin-ryu: Chotoku Kyan
North-China Herald JNC
China: Chinese Soldiers in Settlement
North-China Herald JCS
Wushu: Chinese Athletes of Wuchang 
North-China Herald JCS
Wushu: Chinese Girl Athletes 
North-China Herald JCS
Wushu: Chinese Girl Athletes, Form and Fascination
Okajima, Kinyo JCS
Kendo: Bushido Defined: The Code of Moral Principles
O'Leary, Michael M. JNC
Military: A la bayonet, or, "hot blood and cold steel" 
Pfrenger, Ken JWMA
Wrestling: Early Cornish Wrestling
Power, Guy EJMAS-R
Review: Iaito that Cut
Power, Guy EJMAS-R
Review: Mugen Dachi Tatami Omote
Price, Brian JWMA
Western Martial Arts: Chivalry and the Modern Practice of the Medieval Martial Arts
Prough, John TIJ
Naginata-do: Sachiko Yamauchi, Naginata in NYC 
Reid, Gregor PT
Training: Nothing Fishy about Omega-3 Fatty Acids, or... can fish improve your kick? 
Roberts, Colin JWMA
Wrestling: About Cornish Wrestling 
Rodrigues, Antonio and Svinth, Joseph  JCS
Capoeira: Many Things at Once: An Introduction to Capoeira
Rupkalvis, Julia JTC
Theater: Viewpoint
Salone, Samuel JNC
Ninjutsu: They Knew All About Poison Gas
Sandow's Magazine InYo
Judo: Jiu-Jitsu for Women
Scott, Nathan TIJ
Review: Mugen Dachi Tatami Omote Review
Seattle Times JCS
Judo: How Seattle's Sons of Old Japan Practice Jiu-Jitsu
Seiser, Lynn InYo
Aikido: Aiki Relationships
Seiser, Lynn InYo
Aikido: Who is Response-Able to Resolve Your Conflicts?
Shin, Jooyoung Julia PT
Training: The Physiology of Meditation: Think your way to better technique 
Singh, Ranjit InYo
Wrestling: Letter to B.S. Kanwal
Smith, Allen C. JNC
Military: The Secrets of Jujitsu, A Complete Course in Self Defense, Book I
Smith, Allen C. JNC
Military: The Secrets of Jujitsu, A Complete Course in Self Defense, Book II
Smith, Allen C. JNC
Military: The Secrets of Jujitsu, A Complete Course in Self Defense, Book III
Smith, Allen C. JNC
Military: The Secrets of Jujitsu, A Complete Course in Self Defense, Book IV
Smith, Allen C. JNC
Military: The Secrets of Jujitsu, A Complete Course in Self Defense, Book V
Smith, Robert W. JCS-E Biography: A Bibliography
Smith, Robert W. JCS-E Biography: A Man of Letters
Smith, Robert W. JCS-E Biography: Asian Fighting Arts letter from Kodansha 
Steenput, Eli, tr. JWMA
Wrestling: Clear Instructions to the Excellent Art of Wrestling: Petter 
Steenput, Eli, tr. JWMA
Wrestling: Vollstandiges Ring-Buch: Passchen
Svinth, Joseph R. EJMAS
A First Time User's Guide to EJMAS
Svinth, Joseph R. JCS
Aikido: Aikido Comes to America: September 1935 
Svinth, Joseph R. PT
Biography: Tommy Kono: US Weightlifting Giant
Svinth, Joseph R. JCS
Book Review: On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman 
Svinth, Joseph R. JCS
Boxing: Death under the Spotlight: The Manuel Velasquez Boxing Fatality Collection 
Svinth, Joseph R. JCS
Boxing: Fred Egawa
Svinth, Joseph R. JCS
Boxing: Robert "Ripper" Takeshita
Svinth, Joseph R. JCS
Boxing: The Exemplar of the Piston Attack: The Imperial Japanese Boxer Tsuneo Horiguchi 
Svinth, Joseph R. InYo
History: A Question Regarding the Number of Kendoka Living in North America before World War II
Svinth, Joseph R. InYo
History: Sizing 'Em Up: Statistical Relationships between Various Combative Sports in the Japanese American Communities of the Pacific Northwest
Svinth, Joseph R. JCS
Judo: Learning More About the History of North American Judo
Svinth, Joseph R. JCS
Judo: Professor Yamashita Goes to Washington 
Svinth, Joseph R. JNC
Military: Amateur Boxing in Pre-World War II Japan: The Military Connection
Svinth, Joseph R. JNC
Military: An Introduction to Training in Rifle-Bayonet Fighting in the US Military
Svinth, Joseph R. EJMAS-R
Review: Beating BOB
Svinth, Joseph R. EJMAS-R
Review: Complete Idiot's Guide to Karate
Svinth, Joseph R. EJMAS-R
Review: Ease of Restraint 
Svinth, Joseph R. JCS
Review: Review of Robert W. Smith's Martial Musings
Svinth, Joseph R. EJMAS-R
Review: Taira Shinken Video
Svinth, Joseph R. EJMAS-R
Review: The History and Traditions of Okinawan Karate
Svinth, Joseph R. JNC
Self-defense: Crime and Violence 
Svinth, Joseph R. JNC
Self-defense: Crime and Violence in North America
Svinth, Joseph R. JNC
Self-defense: Legal Self-defense: A Layman's Guide for Non-specialists
Svinth, Joseph R. JNC
Self-defense: Targets
Svinth, Joseph R. EJMAS
Training: Some Motivations Involved in Martial Art Training
Svinth, Joseph R. InYo
Women: Women Who Would Not Be Sheep
Svinth, Joseph R. InYo
Wrestling: A Day to Rest and Wrestle: Benjamin Franklin Roller
Svinth, Joseph R. JCS
Wrestling: Japanese American Wrestlers at the University of Washington, 1911-1942
Svinth, Joseph R. InYo
Wrestling: Japanese Professional Wrestling Pioneer: Sorakichi Matsuda
Svinth, Joseph R., ed. JNC
Military: Judo in the US Air Force, 1953 
Svinth, Joseph R., ed.
Military: Martial Arts Training in Prisoner Camps of World War II: Dominy and Okazaki 
Svinth, Joseph R., ed. JNC
Self-defense: All-round Fighting in Edwardian London: Pierre Vigny 
Svinth, Joseph R., et al. JCS
Boxing: Fatalities in Hawaii, December 7, 1941
Svinth, Joseph R., et al. JCS
Boxing: Johnny Yasui 
Tacoma Tribune JNC
Military: Soldiers at Tacoma Army Camp Learning How to Bayonet Huns 
Taylor, Kim TIJ
Iaido: Get a Grip: The Importance of Hand Position in Iaido I 
Taylor, Kim TIJ
Iaido: Get Another Grip: The Importance of Hand Position in Iaido II
Taylor, Kim TIJ
Iaido: Japan Week Demonstrations 1999
Taylor, Kim TIJ
Iaido: U.Guelph Spring Iaido/Jodo seminar photos 
Taylor, Kim JNC
Jodo: ZNKR Jodo, a brief history 
Taylor, Kim EJMAS
Publisher’s notes: How Does It Look So Far? (Publisher's note for January 2000) 
Taylor, Kim TIJ Dec-00 Training: Making Your Own Wooden Weapons
Taylor, Kim PT
Training: Tanren Bo, Forearms like Popeye
Tittle, H. JCS
Sumo: Sumo, the Japanese Wrestling, from Japanese Sources
Tsai, Kevin TIJ
Iaido: New Jersey Samurai Demonstration
Turner, Craig JTC
Theater: Viewpoint
Military: FM 21-150 Section I, General 
Military: FM 21-150 Section II, Basic Principles
Military: FM 21-150 Section III, Wrist Escapes
Military: FM 21-150 Section IV, Escapes from Body Holds
Military: Air Crew Self-Defense Techniques
Vanity Fair PT Dec-00 Humor: The Counter-Jumper’s Gymnasium
Walzak, Angela M PT
Training: Androstenedione - A Testosterone Booster? 
Wolf, Tony JWMA
Western Martial Art: Juego del Palo - Stick Fencing of the Canary Islands 
Yamaoka, Thomas JCS
Boxing: A California Nisei Boxer: Thomas Yamaoka 
Yukon World JCS
Wrestling: Gotch in Talk of Dawson 


Indexed alphabetically by topic

Author Journal Date Title
Svinth, Joseph R. EJMAS Oct-00 A First Time User's Guide to EJMAS
Seiser, Lynn InYo May-00 Aikido: Aiki Relationships
Svinth, Joseph R. JCS Nov-99 Aikido: Aikido Comes to America: September 1935 
Seiser, Lynn InYo Aug-00 Aikido: Who is Response-Able to Resolve Your Conflicts?
Draeger, Donn JCS-E Biography: A Bibliography 
Smith, Robert W. JCS-E Biography: A Bibliography
Smith, Robert W. JCS-E Biography: A Man of Letters
Harrison, Ernest J. JCS-E Biography: A Resume of My Chequered Career 
Draeger, Donn JCS-E Biography: Ali vs Inoki 
Smith, Robert W. JCS-E Biography: Asian Fighting Arts letter from Kodansha 
Harrison, Ernest J. JCS-E Biography: E.J. Harrison to R.W. Smith: April 12, 1953 
Harrison, Ernest J. JCS-E Biography: Harrison in Yokohama
Draeger, Donn JCS-E Biography: Hawaii
Buchner, Rennis TIJ Feb-00 Biography: Inazo Nitobe 
Draeger, Donn JCS-E Biography: Musashi
Harrison, Ernest J. JCS-E Biography: On Robert W. Smith’s long out-of-print A Complete Guide to Judo 
Draeger, Donn JCS-E Biography: On Safari -- SE Asia
Svinth, Joseph R. PT Jan-00 Biography: Tommy Kono: US Weightlifting Giant
Svinth, Joseph R. JCS Nov-99 Book Review: On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman 
Yamaoka, Thomas JCS Sep-00 Boxing: A California Nisei Boxer: Thomas Yamaoka 
Svinth, Joseph R. JCS Jul-00 Boxing: Death under the Spotlight: The Manuel Velasquez Boxing Fatality Collection 
Svinth, Joseph R., et al. JCS Dec-00 Boxing: Fatalities in Hawaii, December 7, 1941
Svinth, Joseph R. JCS Nov-00 Boxing: Fred Egawa
Svinth, Joseph R., et al. JCS Oct-00 Boxing: Johnny Yasui 
Svinth, Joseph R. JCS Nov-99 Boxing: Robert "Ripper" Takeshita
Svinth, Joseph R. JCS Feb-00 Boxing: The Exemplar of the Piston Attack: The Imperial Japanese Boxer Tsuneo Horiguchi 
Maruo, Tsuneshi JCS Jul-00 Boxing: Tsuneshi Maruo, A Hawaiian Boxing Champion 
Japan Times JCS Dec-99 Boxing: War-Blinded Captain Boxes to Draw with One-legged Major
Rodrigues, Antonio and Svinth, Joseph  JCS Aug-00 Capoeira: Many Things at Once: An Introduction to Capoeira
North-China Herald JNC Jan-00 China: Chinese Soldiers in Settlement
Literary Digest JNC Dec-99 China: Strenuous Athletics in China, including Pre-Japanese Jiu-Jutsu
Svinth, Joseph R. InYo Oct-00 History: A Question Regarding the Number of Kendoka Living in North America before World War II
Svinth, Joseph R. InYo Mar-00 History: Sizing 'Em Up: Statistical Relationships between Various Combative Sports in the Japanese American Communities of the Pacific Northwest
Abe, Ikuo, et al. InYo Jun-00 History: Sport and Physical Education under Fascistization in Japan
Vanity Fair PT Dec-00 Humor: The Counter-Jumper’s Gymnasium
Flowery, Dale TIJ Mar-00 Humor: Women in the Dojo? I THINK not 
Buchner, Rennis TIJ Feb-00 Iaido: A Look at Hoki Ryu Iaido 
Taylor, Kim TIJ Jan-00 Iaido: Get a Grip: The Importance of Hand Position in Iaido I 
Taylor, Kim TIJ Mar-00 Iaido: Get Another Grip: The Importance of Hand Position in Iaido II
Gilham, Chris TIJ May-00 Iaido: Gilham's Progress, an iaido journey
Klens-Bigman, Deborah TIJ Jul-00 Iaido: Guelph School of Japanese Sword Arts 
Taylor, Kim TIJ Jan-00 Iaido: Japan Week Demonstrations 1999
Gilham, Chris TIJ Aug-00 Iaido: Metsuke and 'kokoro no me' or 'sakki'
Tsai, Kevin TIJ Dec-99 Iaido: New Jersey Samurai Demonstration
Taylor, Kim TIJ Jun-00 Iaido: U.Guelph Spring Iaido/Jodo seminar photos 
Bartman, Mike TIJ Jan-00 Iaido: What IS an aikuchi??
Japan Times JNC Dec-99 Japan: Pen is Mightier Than Sword – So is Six-Shooter 
Japanese-American Courier JNC Nov-99 Japan: Swordsmiths Rush to Chinese Front to Mend Broken Blades
Taylor, Kim JNC Sep-00 Jodo: ZNKR Jodo, a brief history 
Koizumi, Gunji JCS-E Judo
Koizumi, Gunji JCS-E Judo: Contest Judo, 1951
Bluming, Jon JCS Nov-99 Judo: Doing Judo at the Korean Yudo Association, December 1959
Feigenbaum, Mark JCS Oct-00 Judo: Encino Judo Club: The Early Years
Seattle Times JCS Dec-99 Judo: How Seattle's Sons of Old Japan Practice Jiu-Jitsu
Harrison, Ernest J. JCS-E Judo: Japanese Terms Used in Judo, 1951 
Sandow's Magazine InYo Aug-00 Judo: Jiu-Jitsu for Women
Mifune, Kyuzo JCS Sep-00 Judo: Judo and Its Masters
Leggett, Trevor JCS Nov-99 Judo: Judo in Japan 
Svinth, Joseph R. JCS Nov-99 Judo: Learning More About the History of North American Judo
Mayer, Sarah JCS Feb-00 Judo: Letters to Gunji Koizumi
Mayer, Sarah JCS Mar-00 Judo: Letters to Gunji Koizumi
Mayer, Sarah JCS Apr-00 Judo: Letters to Gunji Koizumi
Mayer, Sarah JCS May-00 Judo: Letters to Gunji Koizumi
Leggett, Trevor JCS-E Judo: Live Movement and Dead Movement
Leggett, Trevor JCS Mar-00 Judo: Memories of Jigoro Kano's Visit to the London Budokwai in August 1933 
Svinth, Joseph R. JCS Oct-00 Judo: Professor Yamashita Goes to Washington 
Harrison, Ernest J. JCS-E Judo: Pronunciation of Judo Terms 
Bluming, Jon JCS Mar-00 Judo: The Beast of Amsterdam 
Noble, Graham InYo Oct-00 Judo: The Odyssey of Yukio Tani
Japan Times JCS Dec-99 Judo: The Principles of Jiu-Jitsu 
Japan Times JCS Nov-99 Jujutsu: Girls Expert in Jiujitsu 
Japan Times JCS Nov-99 Jujutsu: Jujitsu versus Boxing 
Edgren, Robert JCS Mar-00 Jujutsu: The Fearful Art of Jiu Jitsu
Alcantara, Ubaldo and Rodrigues, Antonio JCS Dec-00 Karate: Karate in Brazil – An Overview
Noble, Graham JCS Feb-00 Karate: Master Choki Motobu, 'A Real Fighter' 
Noble, Graham JCS Aug-00 Karate: Masters of the Shorin-ryu: Chotoku Kyan
Bosler, Anna and Svinth, Joseph TIJ Dec-00 Kendo: A Pre-WWII Kendo Helmet from Northern California
Okajima, Kinyo JCS Nov-99 Kendo: Bushido Defined: The Code of Moral Principles
Boylan, Peter TIJ Apr-00 Koryu: Koryu Then and Now
Japan Times JCS Dec-99 Kyudo: Japanese Archery, Similar to Golf, Requires Plenty of Patience, Skill
Keelaghan, Patrick InYo Sep-00 Media: Blood on the Sun: Judo in America, 1944
Grady, James InYo Sep-00 Media: Celluloid Kata: Martial Arts in the Movies -- A Practitioner's Prejudices
Barb F. (pseud.) InYo Dec-00 Media: Fighting in Advertising
Giles, Kendall InYo Dec-00 Media: Understanding Ancient Martial Arts Texts: Pooh and Hermeneutics
O'Leary, Michael M. JNC Nov-00 Military: A la bayonet, or, "hot blood and cold steel" 
Burton, Richard F. JNC Feb-00 Military: A New System of Sword Exercise for Infantry 
USAF, Stead AFB JNC Nov-00 Military: Air Crew Self-Defense Techniques
Svinth, Joseph R. JNC Jan-00 Military: Amateur Boxing in Pre-World War II Japan: The Military Connection
Svinth, Joseph R. JNC Nov-99 Military: An Introduction to Training in Rifle-Bayonet Fighting in the US Military
Foster, Chapin D. JNC Dec-99 Military: Boxing, Preaching, and Singing in War
US Army JNC Aug-00 Military: FM 21-150 Section I, General 
US Army JNC Aug-00 Military: FM 21-150 Section II, Basic Principles
US Army JNC Sep-00 Military: FM 21-150 Section III, Wrist Escapes
US Army JNC Sep-00 Military: FM 21-150 Section IV, Escapes from Body Holds
Svinth, Joseph R., ed. JNC Jan-00 Military: Judo in the US Air Force, 1953 
Svinth, Joseph R., ed. Feb-00 Military: Martial Arts Training in Prisoner Camps of World War II: Dominy and Okazaki 
Henderson, Alice P. JNC Jun-00 Military: Military hand to hand: Risher Thornberry, American Jujutsu Pioneer
Tacoma Tribune JNC Dec-99 Military: Soldiers at Tacoma Army Camp Learning How to Bayonet Huns 
Channon, Jim JNC Feb-00 Military: The First Earth Battalion: Dare to Think the Unthinkable, Ideas and Ideals for Soldiers Everywhere 
Smith, Allen C. JNC Jul-00 Military: The Secrets of Jujitsu, A Complete Course in Self Defense, Book I
Smith, Allen C. JNC Aug-00 Military: The Secrets of Jujitsu, A Complete Course in Self Defense, Book II
Smith, Allen C. JNC Sep-00 Military: The Secrets of Jujitsu, A Complete Course in Self Defense, Book III
Smith, Allen C. JNC Oct-00 Military: The Secrets of Jujitsu, A Complete Course in Self Defense, Book IV
Smith, Allen C. JNC
Military: The Secrets of Jujitsu, A Complete Course in Self Defense, Book V
Burton, Richard F. JNC Mar-00 Military: The Sentiment of the Sword Part I 
Burton, Richard F. JNC Mar-00 Military: The Sentiment of the Sword Part II 
Burton, Richard F. JNC Mar-00 Military: The Sentiment of the Sword Part III 
Burton, Richard F. JNC Mar-00 Military: The Sentiment of the Sword Part IV 
Burton, Richard F. JNC Mar-00 Military: The Sentiment of the Sword Part IX 
Burton, Richard F. JNC Mar-00 Military: The Sentiment of the Sword Part V 
Burton, Richard F. JNC Mar-00 Military: The Sentiment of the Sword Part VI
Burton, Richard F. JNC Mar-00 Military: The Sentiment of the Sword Part VII 
Burton, Richard F. JNC Mar-00 Military: The Sentiment of the Sword Part VIII 
Prough, John TIJ Feb-00 Naginata-do: Sachiko Yamauchi, Naginata in NYC 
Salone, Samuel JNC Dec-99 Ninjutsu: They Knew All About Poison Gas
Taylor, Kim EJMAS Jan-00 Publisher’s notes: How Does It Look So Far? (Publisher's note for January 2000) 
Svinth, Joseph R. EJMAS-R Sep-00 Review: Beating BOB
Svinth, Joseph R. EJMAS-R Oct-00 Review: Complete Idiot's Guide to Karate
Svinth, Joseph R. EJMAS-R Nov-00 Review: Ease of Restraint 
Power, Guy EJMAS-R Sep-00 Review: Iaito that Cut
Power, Guy EJMAS-R Nov-00 Review: Mugen Dachi Tatami Omote
Scott, Nathan TIJ Aug-00 Review: Mugen Dachi Tatami Omote Review
Svinth, Joseph R. JCS Jan-00 Review: Review of Robert W. Smith's Martial Musings
Hawkins, Neil EJMAS-R Oct-00 Review: Secret Weapons of Jujutsu
Svinth, Joseph R. EJMAS-R Sep-00 Review: Taira Shinken Video
Svinth, Joseph R. EJMAS-R Sep-00 Review: The History and Traditions of Okinawan Karate
Feigenbaum, Mark EJMAS-R Sep-00 Review: The History of Jon Bluming
LeBlanc, Chris EJMAS-R Sep-00 Review: The History of Jon Bluming
Svinth, Joseph R., ed. JNC May-00 Self-defense: All-round Fighting in Edwardian London: Pierre Vigny 
Larousse Dictionary JNC Dec-00 Self-Defense: Charlemont Canne and Baton Method, 1920
Svinth, Joseph R. JNC Nov-99 Self-defense: Crime and Violence 
Svinth, Joseph R. JNC Jan-00 Self-defense: Crime and Violence in North America
Garrud, Edith JNC Dec-99 Self-defense: Damsel v. Desperado 
Garrud, Edith JNC Jan-00 Self-defense: Ju-Jutsu as a Husband-Tamer: A Suffragette Play with a Moral
Davis, Will JNC Sep-00 Self-defense: Knives, Forks and Toothbrushes 
Svinth, Joseph R. JNC Nov-99 Self-defense: Legal Self-defense: A Layman's Guide for Non-specialists
Anonymous JNC Sep-00 Self-defense: Self Defence from the Wrinkle Book
Barton-Wright, E. W. JNC Feb-00 Self-defense: Self-defence with a Walking-stick: The Different Methods of Defending Oneself with a Walking-Stick or Umbrella when Attacked under Unequal Conditions (Part I)
Barton-Wright, E. W. JNC Apr-00 Self-defense: Self-defence with a Walking-stick: The Different Methods of Defending Oneself with a Walking-Stick or Umbrella when Attacked under Unequal Conditions (Part II)
Svinth, Joseph R. JNC Nov-99 Self-defense: Targets
Tittle, H. JCS Jun-00 Sumo: Sumo, the Japanese Wrestling, from Japanese Sources
Hawkins, Neil JNC Tactical Decision Games
Dillon, Robert W. JTC Dec-99 Theater: Accounts of Martial Arts in Actor Training: An Enthusiast's Critique
Burt, Payson JTC Feb-00 Theater: Viewpoint
Rupkalvis, Julia JTC Feb-00 Theater: Viewpoint
Turner, Craig JTC Feb-00 Theater: Viewpoint
Walzak, Angela M PT Jan-00 Training: Androstenedione - A Testosterone Booster? 
Bluming, Jon JCS Aug-00 Training: Budo Training in Japan
Dixon, Martin PT
Training: Diverse Activities Plan
Kim, Peter PT Jan-00 Training: Foot Injuries in Martial Artists, beyond that stubbed toe
Dixon, Martin PT Nov-00 Training: Instructions for Instructors
Dixon, Martin PT Oct-00 Training: Instructor's Handout for the Beginning Student
Taylor, Kim TIJ Dec-00 Training: Making Your Own Wooden Weapons
Reid, Gregor PT Jan-00 Training: Nothing Fishy about Omega-3 Fatty Acids, or... can fish improve your kick? 
Svinth, Joseph R. EJMAS Dec-99 Training: Some Motivations Involved in Martial Art Training
Taylor, Kim PT
Training: Tanren Bo, Forearms like Popeye
Gilham, Chris PT Aug-00 Training: Teaching Styles East and West: Are you getting the best instruction? 
Shin, Jooyoung Julia PT Apr-00 Training: The Physiology of Meditation: Think your way to better technique 
Gilham, Chris PT Aug-00 Training: Timing in Kata: Can you avoid the dance? 
Wolf, Tony JWMA May-00 Western Martial Art: Juego del Palo - Stick Fencing of the Canary Islands 
Hellqvist, Björn JWMA Nov-00 Western Martial Art: Oakeshott's Typology 
Melville, Neil JWMA Mar-00 Western Martial Art: The Incised Effigial Stone at Foveran, Aberdeenshire
Melville, Neil JWMA Jan-00 Western Martial Art: The Origins of the Two-Handed Sword
Mele, Greg JWMA Dec-99 Western Martial Art: The Problem of Armour in Medieval Combat Reconstruction
Hand, Stephen JWMA May-00 Western Martial Arts: A Matter of Time
Price, Brian JWMA Oct-00 Western Martial Arts: Chivalry and the Modern Practice of the Medieval Martial Arts
Ginzberg, Evan InYo May-00 Women: Strong, Intelligent, Powerful and Feminine: A profile of Tamami "Sky" Hosoya
Diane the Valkyrie InYo May-00 Women: Valkyries on the Internet
Svinth, Joseph R. InYo Nov-99 Women: Women Who Would Not Be Sheep
Svinth, Joseph R. InYo Jul-00 Wrestling: A Day to Rest and Wrestle: Benjamin Franklin Roller
Roberts, Colin JWMA Apr-00 Wrestling: About Cornish Wrestling 
Steenput, Eli, tr. JWMA Oct-00 Wrestling: Clear Instructions to the Excellent Art of Wrestling: Petter 
Pfrenger, Ken JWMA Mar-00 Wrestling: Early Cornish Wrestling
Yukon World JCS Nov-99 Wrestling: Gotch in Talk of Dawson 
Svinth, Joseph R. JCS Jan-00 Wrestling: Japanese American Wrestlers at the University of Washington, 1911-1942
Svinth, Joseph R. InYo Nov-00 Wrestling: Japanese Professional Wrestling Pioneer: Sorakichi Matsuda
Singh, Ranjit InYo Jun-00 Wrestling: Letter to B.S. Kanwal
Leyshon, Glynn InYo Aug-00 Wrestling: Mat Wars: The Story of Ontario High School Girls' Wrestling
Kautz, Pete JWMA Jan-00 Wrestling: The Gripping History of Glima 
Steenput, Eli, tr. JWMA Dec-00 Wrestling: Vollstandiges Ring-Buch: Passchen
North-China Herald JCS Nov-99 Wushu: Chinese Athletes of Wuchang 
North-China Herald JCS Dec-99 Wushu: Chinese Girl Athletes 
North-China Herald JCS Feb-00 Wushu: Chinese Girl Athletes, Form and Fascination


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Academic Journals

InYo: The Journal of Alternative Perspectives on the Martial Arts and Sciences
Journal of Combative Sport
Journal of Western Martial Art
Journal of Non-lethal Combatives
Journal of Theatrical Combatives

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Physical Training: Fitness for Combatives
The Iaido Journal

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Kronos: A Chronological History of the Martial Arts and Combative Sports

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