Editorial Guidelines, Policies, and Procedures

Robert W. Dillon, Jr., Editor

We welcome submissions (check EJMAS Managing Editor Kim Taylor's general guidelines for submission formatting and style) in the following categories:

Historical Interpretation, Analysis, Accounting, and Surveys
Hoplological Inquiries
Essays in Philosophy, Theory, and Praxis
Thought Pieces

We welcome submissions from all points of view with the proviso that those points of view be supported, documented, and clear. We wish to embrace intellectual responsibility and foment discussion within a free-ranging forum marked by precision of thought. We will follow Ken Wilber's notion that ideas not subject to disproof are just dogma in disguise and that unexamined metaphysics cannot replace clarity of thought even in the arts. The worldview of this journal shall be a rigorously rational one.

We welcome submissions in all shapes (consult the general editorial guidelines for the EJMAS) and sizes. In-depth and exhaustive treatments will stand alongside more concise works.

We welcome submissions that explore all facets of the intersection between combative and "theatrical" arts and sciences--theatre, film, video, circus, professional wrestling, etc.--taking that term "theatrical" to mean the entire entertain-fo-ment world.

Welcome to the wide world of the "Journal of Theatrical Combatives."

Robert W. Dillon. Jr.