Seminar with Toby Threadgill

Takamura Ha Shindo Yoshin Ryu Jujutsu

August 10 -11, 2002

Saturday: 12-5 p.m. Sunday: 12-4 p.m.

A joint presentation of the Electronic Journals of Martial Arts and Sciences (EJMAS)

and the Seattle Ju-Jutsu Club.


Seattle Ju-Jutsu Club

3605 34th Avenue S

Seattle, Washington, 98144


Payments received by July 31, 2002:

US $80.00

Payments at door:

US $95.00

Toby Threadgill started his martial arts training in western fencing as a college student. In 1980, he began to practice Wado-ryu karate under J.Gerry Chau. Soon after, he began training with Yukiyoshi Takamura, headmaster of Takamura-ha Shindo Yoshin-ryu. He also studies under Don Angier, headmaster of Yanagi-ryu Aiki Bugei.

In 1994, Threadgill received a Joden Menkyo, Gokui Mokuroku in Takamura-ha Shindo Yoshin-ryu and founded the Soryushin Dojo in Dallas, Texas. In February 1999 the Soryushin dojo was appointed Western Hemisphere Ichikan, with Threadgill as the U.S. Shindo Yoshin Kai's senior instructor.

He was awarded a menkyo kaiden in Shindo Yoshin-ryu in February 2001. For more information on Shindo Yoshin Ryu, go to


Make checks or money orders payable to EJMAS, and send to:


PO Box 1694

Lynnwood, WA 98046-1694

People in the United States and Canada may make credit card payment using the PayPal site at the seminars page. If making a credit card payment, e-mail sign-up information to

Questions? Contact us for more information

Joseph Svinth
(425) 741-8384
Neil Yamamoto
(206) 527-9530
Aaron Fields
(206) 524-4989