The Fit Kick
By Bill
Fat is your body's energy reservoir. And, like those big lakes we get our water from, we have no real control over just which part of the lake gets drained. Mostly, it's a matter of genetics, because it's a "Last-In-First-Out" (LIFO) proposition, and the place where it goes on you first, is largely determined by your genetic makeup. If you're female and your Mom put her fat on around the hips, chances are you will, too. Same for guys. If Dad got a big paunch, your chances of doing the same are high. You really don't have anything to say about it. And all the thigh cream, chitin, and hokey infomercial exercise machines in the world, aren't going to do a single thing to change your genetics. Fat is LIFO, and if your belly got big first, it'll get small last, most likely.
It will also require diet and exercise. Which they told you on the infomercial, but not in a way that you'd easily recognize. Read on...
"Results shown are not typical". "Average weight loss is 1 pound per week". "...with included diet and exercise plan..." ... uuuuh... "DIET AND EXERCISE PLAN!!?"
You didn't read the fine print. Probably because it was not on the screen long enough to read, and was in an area that was so visually "busy" that it was practically invisible. Besides, they just spent an entire 30 minutes showing you their Wonderful Results, and never said a word about any damn "Diet And Exercise Plan". What's up with that?
Like I said, you didn't read the fine print.
Fix Your Diet:
That's Step One. You don't have to starve.
In fact, starving yourself will often produce exactly the opposite result
from the one you desire. When you don't get enough food, your body
knows it. And it reacts by storing everything you eat as fat, and
keeping itself going by consuming your muscle tissue! So find out
how much and what you should be eating. There's a lot of help for
that, in the form of Certified Personal Trainers, Registered Dietitians,
and Nutritionists. All three specialties are available on the World
Fitness website, and at your local fitness center. Make use of them.
Meanwhile, here are some guidelines for you. Be sure to discuss them
with your physician, particularly if you're diabetic or hypoglycemic.
1. Eat a well-balanced diet of plain, whole foods. Stay away from supplements unless your physician tells you to use them.
2. Generally, stay away from too much fat and too much plain sugar. High calories, little value, otherwise.
3. Eat something about an hour before you exercise, preferably a low-glycemic-index carbohydrate.
4. Consume 6 to 8 ounces of sugary liquid (Sprite, 7-Up, NOT DIET!) after your workout, to replenish muscles.
Fix Your Workout:
Living in the gym isn't necessary. Find
exercise you enjoy, and do it. Some things you will need to do, may
not be as enjoyable, but do them anyway. Hate weights? Go look
at Successful
Exerciser #15 for information on HIT. Hate aerobics? Maybe
you'll find running, walking, playing racquetball, or cycling, more bearable.
But do some of both sorts of exercise. The time emphasis should be
on cardiopulmonary (aerobic) exercise, however. Do 3 to 4 sessions
"in the zone"; Successful
Exerciser #16 explains what that means.
Fix Your Attitude:
You can do it. You don't need junky exercise gear from infomercials.
You don't need Magickal Supplements to melt your fat off. And you
certainly don't need to despair because that stuff doesn't work.
You do need to admit to yourself that the responsibility for where you
are now, is yours, and the responsibility for getting where you want to
go, is also yours. Adjust your attitude, and take that responsibility,
and you'll be on the way to success.
Write to any of the folks on the World Fitness Experts Page. We're here to help you, motivate you, and give you information. It's all free, nobody will try to sell you anything, nobody will tell you to do anything impossible, or unsafe. Just take that first step.
article was previously published at the World Fitness Organization website:
fitness information and counselling. Fitness Trainer certification programs