Fitness Day to Day
Muscle Soreness
When you use muscles you have not used for a while or try a new exercise
or training technique, it is normal to feel a dull ache of soreness in
the muscles that were trained. This pain is caused by microscopic tears
in the fibers of the connective tissues in your body--the ligaments that
connect bones to other bones, and the tendons that connect muscles to bones.
This microtrauma may sound harmful but is in fact the natural response of your muscles when they experience work. This is the primary reason it is so important that you get enough rest between specific muscle workouts. Each time you work out with weights, you cause this "damage"--these tiny tears in your muscles; they need ample resting time to rebuild and become even stronger, bigger, and more firm.
Pain During or Just After a Workout
During a workout, repeated contractions cause lactic and other acids,
as well as proteins and hormones, to build up in muscle tissue. This can
cause pain even without injury. But if you experience a sharp, continuous
pain, or pain accompanied by a burning sensation, stop lifting and get
it checked.
These happen when muscles, often in the calves or feet, knot up in
intense contractions. Cramps occur most commonly in endurance sports like
cycling and running, where the athlete loses a lot of fluids through sweating.
This is why it's very important to stay well-hydrated during exercise.
If you do get cramps, the best way to stop them is to gently stretch the
cramped muscle.
When working out with weights you need to be in full control of both
the weights and your own body as it lifts and uses the weights. Careless
weightlifting can result in injury. Not warming up, attempting to lift
too heavy a weight, using momentum or jerky movements, letting the weights
drop, not using correct form, or forgetting to stretch or cool-down after
your workout can indeed result in injury.
The following injuries can occur as a result of carelessness:
1. Tendonitis: This is inflammation of the tendon and can
occur if you begin your first set with too heavy a weight and/or are not
properly warmed-up. Rest is the best treatment for this painful injury.
2. Fascia injuries: Can occur if you suddenly jerk or
pull the weight. Fascia is basically the packaging tissue of muscle. When
fascia is torn, it becomes inflamed and the pain is severe. The injury
should be treated with cold packs and wrapped with an ace bandage.
3. Ligament injuries: Can occur when people use momentum
and jerk the weight to accomplish a lift. This injury is treated by using
cold packs and rest.
4. Sprains or muscle tears: Are uncommon if you warm-up,
stretch, and cool-down properly and implement the safety precautions and
principles we teach.
Any time you do have inflammation or swelling, use the R.I.C.E method of reducing damage and speeding healing. For injuries, R.I.C.E. is nice.
1. Rest: When you are hurt, stop your workout immediately
and take weight off the affected area.
2. Ice: Wrap ice in a towel and hold it against the injury
for 10 to 20 minutes, three or four times a day until the acute injury
3. Compress: Wrap the injured area in a snug, but not
tight, elastic bandage.
4. Elevate: Raise the injured limb and rest it on a pillow
to reduce swelling.
Strength training provides many important benefits that cannot be achieved
by any other exercise or activity. However, when enjoying this great form
of exercise, be sure to pay attention to pain and soreness so that your
program is not only effective, but safe as well. Good luck: I hope you
enjoy all the wonderful benefits of a safe and effective strength training
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