Physical Training Apr 2003 |
Happiness, success, a loving relationship, financial security, travel, good health and a long life are some of the things which we all desire. Universally most of us want the same things. The question is how to achieve all of this and more. Can you have it all? Some folks say don’t be greedy, you can’t have everything, be happy with what you have. Yes! I agree with that, we should be happy with what we have in our lives and live in the moment, but that doesn’t mean we can’t take steps to achieve a more enriched, satisfying life. What are the secrets of turning your dream life into reality?
From kindergarten
to getting our Ph.D., we learn about everything in the world except what
is really important to us. The list of what we desire would be the same,
but the priorities we arrange it in can differ from one individual to another.
Health is my first priority, what is yours? Get a pen and paper right now
and start your own list of what is the most important to you. Not what
society tells you, or your parents/friends, but according to your own nature,
by your own nature I mean, what does your heart desire, what is your gut
feeling telling you, trusting your instincts. It can be buying a BMW, sitting
in your back yard having a beer at 6am, or travelling the whole world.
Whatever you desire in your life, write it down. The first step to living
an enriched, happy life is to know what you want.
You have made the
list, but reading it makes you scratch your head in confusion. You are
thinking, Ok! I want to do all this, but I don’t have money. To make money
I have to get up 6:00am to catch the 6:30 bus, I don’t have time to eat,
I make it to work, spend 10 hours with people I don’t actually care for
and some I dislike. I have to be nice to them, my boss is being demanding,
I have to tolerate him, I need the job, I need the money. I come home,
pick up take-out if I have enough energy left, no time for exercise as
I have to do this all over again tomorrow. The list lies on the side table,
it's unrealistic to dream, how can it ever come true. It can. How? By first
believing in your dream, and also realizing that there are many ways of
making money. In order to enjoy every moment of your precious life, YOU
HAVE TO DO WHAT YOU LOVE TO DO. Go back to your childhood memories, who
did you want to be, firefighter, writer, doctor? The toys you liked, the
things which made your heart beat faster, all your childhood memories will
give you an indication of what you are good at and what you are really
meant to do. Once you realize how you what to spend your 8-10 hours of
working life, do research on the career you have chosen, talk to people
about it, spread the word to everyone from your neighbours to your friends
about what you want to do. Read about it, meet people who are already in
that field. If you don't see an opportunity in that field in a company,
work freelance. Every day take one small step to making your dream
career into reality, keeping on going until you achieve it. In the meantime,
keep a job which will fulfill your financial needs and allow interaction
with people, so you can tell more people what you really what to do. Sometimes
we meet people who can help us in our path, the universal works in mysterious
ways. Once you put effort and belief into your goals, great things will
eventually come your way.
All of us are given
24 hours, 1440 minutes a day, to enjoy each moment of our lives. Keeping
the mind in the present moment helps us notice the small things in our
lives, things that bring us joy. Every day, no matter how much we plan,
we experience different emotions, people, and challenges. Its up to us
how we react to what life throws our way. Whether it’s a customer being
unreasonable or a warm hug, learn to cherish whatever comes your way, see
your life as a movie, a nice blend of comedy, adventure, drama, romance
and sorrow. Once we stop reacting and trying to control our life, it will
automatically became easier and so much more fun. Nobody or no situation
can make us feel miserable or stressed until and unless we allow it to
effect us. Everything passes away, illness, sorrow, joy and happiness.
As seasons change so do our circumstances, it has been said that sometimes
bad things happen to good people, actually it’s a matter of perception,
the bad things are just lessons we needed to learn to evolve, and be the
fabulous person we are right now.
Technology enhancement,
fast-paced cities, and busy lifestyles, are leaving less room for us to
be spontaneous and take chances. Common complains nowadays include, "I
find it's so hard to meet people, or find the right person for an amazing
relationship", "Oh! I hate this city, but I'm still living here", "My relationship
is causing me so much stress, but I'm still dragging it around after two
years". We blame other people for the life we have right now. Taking full
responsibility for what happens in our lives will give us the tools to
make wonderful experiences happen. Take chances, if you don’t like the
neighbourhood where you are living, MOVE, even change cities. Making changes
and taking risks, is what makes us grow as a person and is the key to a
more satisfying life. My yoga guru once told me there are only two emotions
we operate with LOVE OR FEAR, to live a happy and fulfilling life everything
you do should be based from LOVE rather than FEAR. So! Ask that guy out,
smile and look people in the eye, open a door for that old lady, have an
ice cream, sing, dance, do what your heart desires without any fear. As
you only live once, take this wonderful chance today.
Part II in the May
For more information and rates contact Lubna Kirvana at 416-822-1207 or e-mail at