Physical Training Nov 2000

A Moment with Martin

By Martin Dixon Martin Dixon

Instructions for Instructors

1) Be Prepared

2) Plan a training session:

Instructors may plan a specific session by, for example, rehearsing specific techniques or sequences, or they may 'plan on their feet', when the composition, size and mood of the class becomes clear.  Planning would also cover such aspects as ensuring the dojo is booked, open on time and fit for use.

3) Conducting a training session:

The transmission of knowledge and skill will greatly depend on the learning environment and the communication skills of the instructor.  The learning environment should be safe, and free from all distractions.  In order to communicate well with the students, the Instructor must provide a clear demonstration of what is required and ensure that all students can clearly hear and see the demonstration.

4) Evaluate the effectiveness of your teaching and the progress of your teaching:

Many students making the same mistakes could indicate a teaching fault.

5) Ensure the health and safety of the students by providing a safe practising environment:

An instructor has a responsibility to ensure that all students train in a safe and supervised environment where discipline is maintained.  An instructor also has the responsibility to see that all students warm up, are positioned sensibly, are appropriately paired up and receive safe and effective training.

6) Demonstrate knowledge of emergency procedures and be able to administer first aid:

An instructor should be aware of fire exits and evacuation procedures.  They will need to know where the nearest casualty hospital is located and have access to a phone and transport.  The instructor should be familiar with, and able to use, what is commonly known as 'Emergency Aid'.

7) Understand and explain your Association and Governing Body structure and that of associated bodies:

An instructor will need to understand their Association's political and technical structure and also that of the Governing Body and know how they, their members and their club fit into this structure.

8) Abide by and work within the rules, ethics and regulations specific to the dojo and competition:

Martial Art instructors will greatly influence the behaviour of students both inside and outside the dojo and for this reason it is imperative that exemplary behaviour is demonstrated at all times.  The ethos of Martial arts is the development of the character through the development of the body and an instructor has a responsibility to uphold this tradition for the Martial art. It is important that the instructor is able to demonstrate understanding of the current rules of competition if involved, or has students involved in this area.

9) Use initiative and understanding when teaching those with special needs:

The term 'special' encompasses many conditions.  A class may contain students with physical handicaps, minor or severe, or students who experience learning difficulties.  A good instructor will be aware of these special needs and adjust their actions and instructions accordingly.

10) Understand the responsibilities of teaching children and the basic principles of growth and development:

Instructors have a responsibility to treat children in their care with as much consideration as would be given by their schoolteachers.  Instructors need to understand the physiology of children and teach exercises appropriate to their age and build.  They need to protect children from any form of metal and physical abuse whilst in their care.

11) Have a knowledge of specialised Martial Art equipment and demonstrate its use:

Although generally there is little need for equipment in Martial Art training, there are items of equipment used to develop certain aspects of skill, and the instructor should be able to demonstrate their correct use for safe and effective development.

12) Offer good advice on fitness training and understand motivational techniques:

Students often seek advice with regard to their general health or with regard to supplementary exercises to help them with their Martial Art fitness.  Instructors should have a general understanding of the fundamentals of body maintenance and how to provide motivation and encouragement.

13) Contribute to promotion and publicity of Martial Art:

An instructor may become involved in marketing, which can for example include advertising for new members and the sale of Martial Art related goods.  The instructor has a responsibility to ensure that good advice is given regarding the suitability, cost and quality of the merchandise.

14) Instigate an effective administration and record keeping system:

Accurate record keeping is essential to ensure that certain Associations and Governing Body requirements are met and all necessary insurance policies are in place.  Medical experts may advise certain rest periods following injury, so accurate medical records must be maintained.  Contact numbers should be kept on hand for all members, especially children, in case of emergencies.

15) Fulfil legal requirements:

A Martial Art instructor has a legal as well as moral obligation to ensure the safety, well-being and best interests of their students and to all that is possible to prevent accidents.

Martin Dixon: 7th Dan Ju Jitsu
Chairman of the British Ju Jitsu Association Governing Body
Past President for the United Nations of Ju Jitsu
Member of the Council for Coaches with the National Coaching Foundation
Chairman for Sport Hyndburn (a North West Sports Council)
Registered Osteopath
Osteopathic Consultant to Burnley Football Club and Accrington Stanley F.C
Physical Training Nov 2000