Martial University

Martial University: It’s not a seminar - it’s an education!

On Saturday, May 22, 2004, you will have a chance to absorb as much as you can about style, movement, strategy, philosophy, and tactics from experts who have been there and have the bumps to prove it. Every hour, for five hours, five new subjects for you to choose from will be offered by our select collection of instructors.

If you want to learn internal arts like Qigong, work with weapons, train more traditional ways, or go brass tacks the military way - you will - because you choose the class, you choose the instructor.

You are encouraged to bring your notebooks, video recorders and cameras – because it is going to be that big!

Register early and assure your place. So mark your calendar for May 22, get your uniform or sweats ready, and tell a friend about this remarkable opportunity.

Find the brochure with more information at -- click on the red Martial University link.


Kris Wilder
Martial University Coordinator
Tel - 206-669-1300
E-mail -

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