The close fighting between Naito and Smith was another attraction. In this also Smith, the German boxer unfortunately showed that he was far from being a match to the Japanese banner-bearer. He was quick and steady in his work; when thrown over Naito's shoulder he was again on his feet in a jiffy and unfalteringly challenging his opponent. His fault was his lack of judgement of distance. He made many wild swings that missed, and tossed away his chance.
Naito successfully effected 'throwing' and 'scarf.' About half a dozen more battles were vigorously fought, and the results showed that Japanese jujitsu could offer an effective or even stronger resistance against Western boxing. One merit of the Japanese art doubtless lies in saving strength and breath; while a boxer seems to be used up after a game, a jujitsu player is only taking a respite. The exhibition last night and the Yurakuza drew a full house and there were seen a number of foreigners. Tonight commencing at 6, the last exhibition of the series will be held at the Theater and will introduce about a dozen interesting matches.
Ed. note: The accompanying photograph showed the jujutsuka kneeling
as if shooting a rifle and the boxer bending far forward from the waist
to reach him. Credit: Japan Times 1913.
JCS Nov 1999